Basic functions | Working modes of ELOM boards and their ports | The ELOM (COMP) board supports the following working modes: - 1*AP8 ODU1 mode: 8 x Any (125 Mbit/s - 2.5 Gbit/s) <-> 1 x OTU2
- 1*AP4 ODU1 mode: 4 x Any (2.12 Gbit/s - 2.67 Gbit/s) <-> 1 x OTU2
- 1*AP1 ODU2 mode: 1 x Any (5 Gbit/s - 10.3 Gbit/s) <-> 1 x OTU2/OTU2e
- 1*AP2 ODU2 mode: 2 x FC400/FICON 4G <-> 1xOTU2
- 1*AP8 ODU0&ODU1 mode: 8 x Any (125 Mbit/s - 2.67 Gbit/s) <-> 1 x OTU2
NOTE:The optical ports on the WDM side provide the dual feeding and selective receiving function. On the WDM side, only the IN1/OUT1 optical ports can be used if no protection is configured for the ELOM (COMP) board. ELOM (STND) and F2ELOM (STND) boards support the following board and port working modes: - 1*AP8 general mode, the board supports the following port working modes:
- ODU0 non-convergence mode: 8 x Any (125 Mbit/s to 1.25 Gbit/s) <-> 2 x OTU2 (ODU is the abbreviated form of optical channel data unit, and OTU of optical channel transport unit.)
- ODU1 convergence mode: 8 x Any (125 Mbit/s to 2.46 Gbit/s)/InfiniBand 2.5G <-> 2 x OTU2
- ODU1 non-convergence mode: 8 x Any (1.5 Gbit/s to 2.67 Gbit/s) <-> 2 x OTU2
- ODUflex non-convergence mode: 8 x Any (2.5 Gbit/s to 4.25 Gbit/s) <-> 2 x OTU2
- 1*AP1 ODU2 mode, the board supports the following port working mode: 1 x Any (4.9 Gbit/s to 10.5 Gbit/s)/InfiniBand 5G <-> 1 x OTU2/OTU2e
- 1*AP1 ODUflex mode, the board supports the following port working mode: 1 x CPRI option6/FC800/FICON 8G/InfiniBand 5G <-> 1 x OTU2 (CPRI is the abbreviated form of common public radio interface, and FICON of Fiber Connect.)
NOTE:If intra-board 1+1 protection or ODUk subnetwork connection protection (SNCP) is configured for an ELOM board, signals received on the client side are converged into one channel of OTU2 optical signals, and the WDM-side ports of the board provide the dual feeding and selective receiving function. |
Cross-connect function | Intra-board cross-connections - When the ELOM (COMP) board works in 1*AP8 ODU1 mode, it achieves the intra-board cross-connect function of Any optical services at a rate of 125 Mbit/s to 2.5 Gbit/s.
- When the ELOM (COMP) board works in 1*AP8 ODU0&ODU1 mode, it achieves the intra-board cross-connect function of ODU0 and ODU1 optical services.
- ELOM (STND) and F2ELOM (STND) boards working in 1*AP8 general mode support intra-board ODU0, ODU1, and ODUflex cross-connections. When the ports of an ELOM board work in ODU1 convergence mode, the ELOM board provides intra-board cross-connections for optical services at any rate in the range from 125 Mbit/s to 2.46 Gbit/s.
- F2ELOM (STND) boards working in 1*AP1 ODU2 mode support intra-board ODU2 cross-connections.
- F2ELOM (STND) boards working in 1*AP1 ODUflex mode support intra-board ODUflex cross-connections.
- F2ELOM (C9LOG) boards do not support intra-board cross-connections.
Inter-board cross-connections: not supported |
Cross-connection configuration mode | Automatic and manual (default) modes are supported. When intra-board 1+1 protection is configured for the board, set this parameter to Automatic. When ODUk SNCP protection or Any service cross-connections are configured for the board, set this parameter to Manual. When ODU Timeslot Configuration Mode is set to Assign consecutive, Cross-Connection Configuration Mode must be set to Manual. - When Cross-Connection Configuration Mode is set to Automatic, logical ports cannot be deleted.
WDM specifications | Supports ITU-T G.694.1-compliant DWDM specifications and ITU-T G.694.2-compliant CWDM specifications. |
Service specifications | Service types | - SAN service: ISC 1G, ISC 2G, FDDI, InfiniBand 2.5G, InfiniBand 5G, FC100, FC200, FC400, FC800, FC1200, FICON, FICON 4G, FICON 8G, FICON 10G, FICON EXPRESS, and enterprise system connection (ESCON)(FC1200,FICON 4G, FICON 8G, FICON 10G are supported only by ELOM (STND) and F2ELOM (STND) )
NOTE:ELOM (STND) supports a maximum of eight ISC 2G services. NOTE:When the system control board is F1SCC, the board does not support InfiniBand 2.5G, InfiniBand 5G, ISC 1G, ISC 2G, FDDI, and FC1200 Phy block error transparent transmission services. NOTE:If the FC1200 service received on the client side is the FC1200 Phy block error transparent transmission service: - The service signals are encapsulated as OTU2e signals and mapped to the line rate. The rate is 11.3 Gbit/s.
- The optical modules supported on the line side are as follows: 1600ps/nm-tunable-APD-TXFP, 800ps/nm-tunable-PIN-TXFP, 10Gbit/s multi-rate-TX1330/RX1270nm-10km-XFP, 10Gbit/s multi-rate-TX1270/RX1330nm-10km-XFP, 10Gbit/s multi-rate-TX1330/RX1270nm-40km-XFP, and 10Gbit/s multi-rate-TX1270/RX1330nm-40km-XFP.
- SDH service: STM-1, STM-4, STM-16, and STM-64
- Synchronous optical network (SONET) service: optical carrier level 3 (OC-3), OC-12, OC-48, and OC-192 (supported only by ELOM (STND) and F2ELOM (STND) )
- Optical transport network (OTN) service: OTU1
- Ethernet service: FE optical and electrical signals, GE optical and electrical signals, 10GE LAN, and 10GE WAN (10GE WAN is supported only by ELOM (STND) and F2ELOM (STND) )
- CPRI service: CPRI option2, CPRI option3, CPRI option4, CPRI option6, and CPRI option7 (CPRI option4, CPRI option6, and CPRI option7 are supported only by ELOM (STND) and F2ELOM (STND) )
- OBSAI service: OBSAI4, OBSAI8 (supported only by ELOM (STND) and F2ELOM (STND) )
- Video and audio services: digital video broadcast-asynchronous serial interface (DVB-ASI), serial digital interface (SDI), high definition (HD)-SDI, HDSDIRBR, and 3G-SDI (supported only by ELOM (STND) and F2ELOM (STND) )
Service mapping mode | Supports encapsulation of GE services in GFP-T or TTT-GMP mode (TTT-GMP mode is displayed as GE [TTT-GMP] on the NMS). Supports encapsulation of FE services in GFP-F SLICE+BMP mode. Supports encapsulation of 10GE LAN services in GFP-F or BMP mode. F2ELOM (STND) board supports encapsulation of STM-64/OC-192/STM-16/OC-48/10GE WAN services in asynchronous AMP mode. NOTE:You are advised to use FE electrical modules to transmit FE electrical services. If you use GE electrical modules to transmit FE electrical services, note the following points: The system control board type must be TNF1SCC. The GE electrical module must be used on the client side of the local and remote ends to add and drop FE electrical services. The service type must be configured as GE and the encryption mode as GFP-T. When the GE electrical module is transmitting FE services, the RMON statistics cannot be collected.
Tunable wavelengths | The board can tune the optical signal output on the WDM side within the range of 80 wavelengths in C-band with the channel spacing of 50 GHz. |
Regeneration board | TNF1LSX/TNF1LDX/TNF2LDX |
Protection schemes | Intra-board 1+1 protection | Supported |
Client 1+1 protection | Supported |
ODUk SNCP | Supported (k = 0, 1, 2, or flex)NOTE:Supported only by ELOM (STND) and F2ELOM (STND) |
LPT | Provides the link-state pass through (LPT) function for GE, FE, and 10GE LAN services. |
Over-temperature protection | If the temperature of the board exceeds the upper threshold and services are affected, the board supports automatic resets on the key chips to prevent a board damage.NOTE:For the 1800 I&II Compact, the ELOM board supports over-temperature protection only when the TNF3SCC board is used. For the 1800 V and 1800 II Enhanced, the ELOM board does not support over-temperature protection. |
ALS | Supported NOTE:ALS can be configured only on client-side optical ports that do not receive OTN services. |
Synchronous Ethernet | Supports transparent transmission of synchronous Ethernet clock signals and processing of synchronous Ethernet clock signals, with the clock quality in compliance with ITU-T G.8261. - When GE (GFP-T) services are received on the client side, synchronous Ethernet processing is supported.
- When GE (TTT-GMP) services are received on the client side, synchronous Ethernet transparent transmission is supported.
- When 10GE LAN services are received on the client side and the 10GE LAN Bit Transparent Mapping (11.1G) mode is used, synchronous Ethernet transparent transmission is supported.
- When 10GE LAN services are received on the client side and the 10GE LAN MAC Transparent Mapping (10.7G) mode is used, synchronous Ethernet processing is supported.
NOTE:For the 1800 I&II Compact, when the logical board F2ELOM(STND) works with the TNF3SCC board, this feature is supported. |
Physical clocks | The F2ELOM(STND) board supports the OTU2 physical-layer clock. NOTE:For the 1800 I&II Compact, when the logical board F2ELOM(STND) works with the TNF3SCC board, this feature is supported. |
IEEE 1588v2 | Only the F2ELOM(STND) board whose hardware version is Ver.B supports this feature.NOTE:- For the 1800 I&II Compact, when the logical board F2ELOM(STND) works with the TNF3SCC board, IEEE 1588v2 is supported.
- When GE(GFP-T) services are received, the optical ports 3(TX1/RX1) to 9(TX7/RX7) on the logical board F2ELOM(STND) support IEEE 1588v2 and a maximum of seven channels of IEEE 1588v2.
- When 10GE LAN MAC Transparent Mapping (10.7G) services are received, only the optical port 3(TX1/RX1) on the F2ELOM(STND) board supports IEEE 1588v2.
ITU-T G.8275.1 | Same as above. |
ITU-T G.8273.2 | Supported when the F2ELOM(STND) board works with theF3SCC03/F3SCC04/F5XCH/F5UXCM/F5UXCME system control board. Other restrictions are the same as those of IEEE 1588v2. |
Maintenance features | Loopbacks | - Supports inloops on the WDM side.
- Supports outloops on the WDM side.
- Supports inloops on the client side.
- Supports outloops on the client side.
Pseudo random binary sequence (PRBS) test function | Generates and monitors PRBS signals for client-side OTU1/STM-1/STM-4/STM-16/STM-64/OC-3/OC-12/OC-48/OC-192/GE/10GE LAN/10GE WAN services, and obtains transmission line status by comparing looped-back signals with the transmit signals. NOTE:If the access service type is 10GE LAN and the bit transparent mapping mode (11.1 G) is used, a PRBS test is not supported. |
Test frames | Not supported |
Delay measurement (DM) | Supported. |
Alarms and performance events monitoring | Monitors B1, section monitoring (SM)_bit interleaved parity 8 (BIP8), and path monitoring (PM)_BIP8 bytes to help locate line failures. Monitors performance parameters and alarm signals, including the monitoring of laser bias current, laser working temperature and optical power on the WDM side. Performs remote network monitoring (RMON) for GE, FE, and 10GE LAN services. |
OTN overheads | Adopts the ITU-T G.709-compliant frame format and overhead processing. - Provides PM for ODU2, ODUflex, ODU1, and ODU0.(Only ELOM (STND) and F2ELOM (STND) provides PM for ODUflex)
- Provides SM for OTU2 and OTU1.
- F2ELOM(STND) supports TCM functions for ODU2/ODUflex/ODU1/ODU0.
Outband DCN | Supports communication over electric supervisory channels (ESCs).NOTE:General communication channels (GCCs) support 3-byte and 9-byte modes. |
FEC mode | ELOM boards support forward error correction (FEC) and advanced forward error correction (AFEC-2) modes on the line side. NOTE:Boards adopting different error correction encoding modes cannot interoperate with each other. |
Protocol or standard compliance | Protocols or standards (non-performance monitoring) with which transparently transmitted services comply | IEEE 802.3u IEEE 802.3z ITU-T G.707 ITU-T G.782 ITU-T G.783 NCITS FIBRE CHANNEL PHYSICAL INTERFACES (FC-PI) NCITS FIBRE CHANNEL LINK SERVICES (FC-LS) NCITS FIBRE CHANNEL FRAMING AND SIGNALING-2 (FC-FS-2) NCITS FIBRE CHANNEL BACKBONE-3 (FC-BB-3) NCITS FIBRE CHANNEL SWITCH FABRIC-3 (FC-SW-3) NCITS FIBRE CHANNEL - PHYSICAL AND SIGNALING INTERFACE (FC-PH) NCITS FIBRE CHANNEL SINGLE-BYTE COMMAND CODE SETS-2 MAPPING PROTOCOL (FC-SB-2) SMPTE 292M Bit-Serial Digital Interface for High-Definition Television Systems SMPTE 297-2006 Serial Digital Fiber Transmission System for SMPTE 259M, SMPTE 344M, SMPTE 292 and SMPTE 424M Signals ETSI TR 101 891 Professional Interfaces: Guidelines for the implementation and usage of the DVB Asynchronous Serial Interface (ASI) SMPTE 259M 10-Bit 4:2:2 Component and 4fsc Composite Digital Signals - Serial Digital Interface NCITS SBCON Single-Byte Command Code Sets CONnection architecture (SBCON) CPRI Specification V4.1 IEEE 802.3ae |
Protocols or standards (performance monitoring) for processing services | ITU-T G.805 ITU-T G.806 ITU-T G.709 ITU-T G.7041 ITU-T G.872 ITU-T G.873.1 ITU-T G.7710 ITU-T G.798 ITU-T G.874 ITU-T M.3100 ITU-T G.874.1 ITU-T G.875 ITU-T G.808.1 ITU-T G.841 ITU-T G.8201 ITU-T G.694.1 ITU-T G.694.2ISO 9314 |